Development of an Atlas of Cancer in
A Project of the National Cancer Registry Programme
(Indian Council of Medical Research)   
Supported by the World Health Organisation
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Chapter 7


This chapter gives a summarized account of each of the centres that have collaborated and contributed information on cancer cases.

In all, 105 centres contributed information on 2,17,174 cases for the two year period 2001-2002 (1,03,081 for 2001 and 1,14,093 cases for 2002). The checks on data, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the basis for grouping to look at leading sites etc, are all given in Chapter 2 on `Overall Plan and Methods'.

Format of Presentation

Overall, the following order of sequence has been followed in arranging the write-up and tabulations of each centre. Broadly the centres consist of the following:

1. Centres with Hospital Based Cancer Registries (HBCRs) under the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP);

2. Centres with functioning HBCRs, other than those in the NCRP network;

3. Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) under the NCRP;

4. Functioning PBCRs other than those in the NCRP network;

5. All other centres - mainly, these consist of Regional Cancer Centres other than those covered in 1 - 4 above, private cancer centres, government and private medical college hospitals, non-teaching government and private hospitals and private pathology laboratories.

Under these five broad groups, the profile and summary tables and figure of each centre is arranged in the descending order of the number of cancers (for the combined years 2001 and 2002) on which information was provided towards the project.

Generally, each centre's description consists of a brief write-up of the centre, two statistical tables and a figure. Table 7._(a) gives the summary of number of cancers on which information was provided according to calendar year and gender. Table 7._(b) gives the district-wise distribution (number and relative proportion) of cancers from that centre. This latter table presents a picture of the distribution of cancers in different geographic areas. It is also an indicator of sources of referral to that particular centre. The figure depicts the bar charts of ten leading sites of cancer (ICD-10) separately, in males and females. Calculation of leading sites is based, on the proportion of that site of cancer relative to the total numbers of all cancer sites in that gender.

Since this chapter deals with the pattern of cancer in individual centres, the bar charts and figure of leading sites of cancer is not depicted for the PBCRs. They are reflected in earlier chapters (3 and 5). Moreover, the contribution of information on cancers by the PBCRs is that of persons other than those residing in the respective PBCR area.
Further, no such charts or district-wise distribution of tables are given for centres where the numbers of cancers are relatively small (by and large less than two hundred cases or where counts for leading sites got into single digits).

Summary of Cancer Patterns

There are several limitations in describing patterns of cancer in individual centres especially in the context of geographical distribution. The leading sites of cancer in a given institution are dependent on a number of factors, such as, the popularity of a particular department and/or treating physician, the availability of a particular diagnostic or treatment facility, the affordability of the patients and so on. In some centres one could be dealing with small numbers of cancers. Thus, either the order of leading sites or fluctuation of the same between the years provides little meaning. Still, the patterns observed in most of the cancer centres that function as referral institutions for care of cancer patients do reflect the predominant cancers in the region. Further they give an indication of the magnitude and burden of cancer in the specific institution.

The foregoing points have to be kept in mind while interpreting the description (given below) of the patterns of cancer based on the leading anatomical sites of cancer, by individual institution.

Leading Sites of Cancer in Males (relative proportion (%) of all cancers given in parentheses)

Among males cancers of sites associated with use of tobacco were the most important. These cancers were generally referred as Tobacco Related Cancers (TRCs). Among the TRCs the prominent ones seen in the collaborating centres are mouth, lung, tongue, oesophagus and hypopharynx. They were seen uniformly in all centres regardless of geographical location and were among the five leading sites of cancer in many of the centres. Cancer of the mouth was the leading site of cancer in several centres and constituted nearly 27% of cancers of all sites at the A.H. Regional Cancer Centre in Cuttack, Orissa State. Cancer of the lung was also the leading site of cancer in many centres and in the two major institutions in Kolkata - Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute and Cancer Centre and Welfare Home it forms 13.8 and 13.6% of cancers respectively. Cancer of the tongue was the leading site of cancer in the two collaborating institutions from Gujarat State (Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute and Pramukhswami Medical College - 11.1 and 19.0% of cancers) and in Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial Hospital (9.1%) in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu State. Cancer of the oesophagus was the leading site in the Karnatak Cancer Therapy Institute (15.7%) in Hubli, Bharat Hospital (12.7%), Mysore and in Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology (9.7%), Bangalore - all in Karnataka State. It was also the leading site at Government Medical College (11.4%), Patiala, Punjab State. Cancer of the hypopharynx was the leading site of cancer in Dr B.B. Barooah Cancer Institute constituting 18.2% of all cancers. Cancer of the larynx, which is also a TRC site was the leading cancer in several centres. Some of these centres included PGIMR (Histology) (13.7%), Chandigarh, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (13.5%), Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh State and Government Medical College (11.0%), Nagpur, Maharashtra State.

Cancer of the stomach was prominent among the leading sites in the centres at Civil Hospital (29.1%), Aizawl, Mizoram State, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (15.2%), Imphal, Manipur State. It was also the first or second leading site of cancer in three collaborating institutions (Sudharma Laboratory - 19.7%; Government Medical College - 14.5%; Amala Cancer Hospital and Research Centre - 10.4%) in Thrissur, Kerala State.

Cancer of the penis, was observed as a leading site of cancer at Rangaraya Medical College (second leading site - 11.0% of all cancers), Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh State; JIPMER (fourth leading site - 7.6% of all cancers), Pondicherry and in the Sai Subramaniam Pathology Laboratory (sixth leading site - 5.2% of all cancers) in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu State.

The anatomical site - termed as 'Other Skin' that excludes melanoma of the skin was seen to be a major site of cancer in some centres. This was not observed in the hospital cancer registries under the NCRP. It was the second

leading site of cancer at S.N. Medical College (7.6%) Jodhpur in Rajasthan State; at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (6.2%), Wardha, Maharashtra State, Tirunelveli Medical College (6.1%), Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu State, and at JIPMER (5.1%), Pondicherry.

The leukaemias and Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas constituted a major leading site of cancer in most centres. Cancer of the prostate was also one of ten leading sites in several centres. Apart from these, other sites that appeared as the first or second leading site of cancer were more likely due to the biases indicated above including the small numbers of cases reported from that institution than due to any reflection of geographic patterns.

Leading Sites of Cancer in Females (relative proportion (%) of all cancers given in parentheses)

Cancer of the cervix was the leading site of cancer in many institutions. The relative proportion was highest (77.6%) at the MNJ Institute of Oncology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh State. The relative proportion was also high at JIPMER (55.1%), Pondicherry and at Karnatak Cancer Therapy Institute (43.2%) in Hubli, Karnataka State.

Cancer of the breast was also the leading site of cancer in various institutions. At Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh State it formed 36% of all cancers in females. The relative proportion of cancer of the breast was higher than 30% in many centres, notably, Government Medical College (32.7%), Patiala, Punjab State; Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer and Research Centre (32.2%), Jaipur, Rajasthan State; Goa Medical College (31.9%), Goa State.

Cancer of the ovary was an important site of cancer constituting 9% of cancers in Government Medical College, Thrissur, Kerala State, 7.2% at PGIMER (Cytology), Chandigarh and 6.8% at Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra State.

Nine percent of cancers in females reported at the Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State, were cancers of the thyroid. The relative proportion of this site of cancer was 5.0% at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and 4.9% at Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, both in Karnataka State.

Cancer of the gall bladder accounted for 9.6% of all cancers in females at the Mahaveer Cancer Sansthan in Patna, Bihar State and was the third leading site of cancer. Both the major institutions in Kolkata - Cancer Centre Welfare Home and Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute recorded this site of cancer to be 6.0% and 5.8% of all cancers, being the third and fourth leading sites respectively.

In females also, cancer of the stomach was an important leading site in the institutions in the states of Mizoram and Manipur. In the Civil Hospital in Aizawl, Mizoram State, it formed 14.4% of all cancers and was the second leading site of cancer. Similarly, in the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur State, stomach cancer constituted 8.6% of all malignancies in females and was the fourth leading site of cancer. Cancer of the stomach was also one of five leading sites in the centres at Thrissur, Kerala State (Sudharma Laboratory - second leading site and 9.9% of all cancers; Government Medical College - fifth leading site and 5.0% of all cancers; Amala Cancer Hospital and Research Centre - fifth leading site and 4.5% of all cancers).

Cancers of the mouth and oesophagus were among the important and leading TRCs in females. Cancer of the mouth was the second leading site at A.H. Regional Cancer Centre (15.5%), Cuttack, Orissa State. In JIPMER (8.1%) and in Dr B.B. Barooah Cancer Institute (8.2%) it was the second and fourth leading site of cancer respectively. In the latter institution, cancer of the oesophagus was the third leading site forming 12.6% of all cancers. Cancer of the oesophagus was also the third leading site in the Karnatak Cancer Therapy Centre (9.7%), in Hubli, Karnataka State, at the Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer Treatment Centre (7.6%) in Bikaner, and at Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital (7.4%) at Jaipur in Rajasthan State. Two institutions in the North Eastern states - Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (9.9%), Imphal, Manipur State and Civil Hospital (10.3%), Aizawl, Mizoram State had cancer of lung as the third and fourth leading site of cancer respectively.

Nicobars Nicobars Nicobars Nicobars Nicobars Nicobars Nicobars Andamans Andamans Andamans Andamans Andamans Andamans Andamans Andamans Andamans Andamans Uttarapradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharastra Chattisgarh Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Orissa Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Diu Daman Sikkim Assam Nagaland Arunachal Pradesh Meghalaya Manipur Mizoram Kerala Tamil Nadu Goa Tripura Rajasthan Delhi Haryana Chandigarh Punjab Uttaranchal Himachal Pradesh Jammu Kashmir

      List Of Collaborating Centres (With Individual Centre Code in Parentheses)
      List of centres that have and are contributing information on cancer cases to the project
Andhra Pradesh
39 Andhra Medical College (39) Visakhapatnam
43 Apollo Hospitals (43) Hyderabad
13 Gandhi Medical  College (13) Hyderabad
78 Indo-American Cancer Institute & Research Centre (78) Hyderabad
16 Kurnool Medical College (16) Kurnool
93 Medwin Hospitals (93) Hyderabad
57 MNJ Institute of Oncology & Regional Cancer Centre (57) Hyderabad
200 National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR) (200) Hyderabad
89 National Pathology Laboratory (89) Hyderabad
5 Rangaraya Medical College (5) Kakinada
132 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (132) Tirupathi
94 Sri Venkateswara Medical College (94) Tirupathi
1003 Assam Medical College (1003) Dibrugarh
49 Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute (49) Guwahati
79 Silchar Medical College & Hospital  (79) Silchar
95 Mahavir Cancer Sansthan (95) Patna
76 PGIMER (Cytology) (76) Chandigarh
111 PGIMER (Histopathology) (111) Chandigarh


PBCR - Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital (1011) Delhi



Goa Medical College (100) Goa
26 Pramukhswami  Medical  College (26) Karamsad
63 The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute (63) Ahmedabad
59 Anand Institute of Laboratory Medicine (59) Bangalore
135 Bharath Hospital and Institute of Oncology (135) Mysore
77 Kasturba Medical College (77) Manipal
3 Kasturba Medical  College (3) Mangalore
1007 Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology (1007) Bangalore
80 NIMHANS - Bangalore (80) Bangalore
4 Sri Siddahartha Medical College (4) Tumkur
15 The Karnatak Cancer Therapy & Research Institute (15) Hubli
96 Amala Cancer  Hospital & Research Centre (96) Thrissur
98 Elite Mission Hospital (98) Thrissur
53 Government Medical College (53) Thrissur
134 Malabar Cancer Care Socity (134) Kannur
20 Medical College (20) Kottayam
201 Natural Background Radiation Registry (201) Karunagapally
1006 Regional Cancer Centre (1006) Thiruvananthapuram
92 Sudharama Laboratory (92) Thrissur
99 The Polyclinic Pvt. Ltd. (99) Thrissur
Madhya Pradesh
8 Cancer Hospital & Research Institute (8) Gwalior
9 Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (9) Bhopal
28 MGM Medical College (28) Indore
1010 PBCR - Gandhi Medical College (1010) Bhopal
42 B.J. Medical College (42) Pune
52 Bharati  Vidyapeeth  Medical College (52) Pune
126 City Pathology Laboratory (126) Nagpur
110 Dr Ravi's Pathology Laboratory (110) Nagpur
32 Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College (32) Kolhapur
29 Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Memorial Medical College (29) Amravati
123 Dr. Purohit's Pathology and Bacteriology Laboratory (123) Kolhapur
37 Government Medical College (37) Nanded
50 Government Medical College (50) Nagpur
10 Indira Gandhi Medical College (10) Nagpur
51 Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (51) Wardha
18 Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Medical Sciences (18) Sevagram
67 Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College (67) Aurangabad
202 Population Based Cancer Registry, Aurangabad(202) Aurangabad
203 Population Based Cancer Registry, Nagpur (203) Nagpur
204 Population Based Cancer Registry, Pune(204) Pune
1002 Population Based Cancer Registry, Mumbai (1002) Mumbai
1012 PBCR - Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Hospital, Barshi (1012) Barshi
103 Rural Medical College (103) Loni
117 Shri Ganapati Netralaya - Jalna (117) Jalna
1008 Tata Memorial Centre (1008) Mumbai
31 Topiwala National Medical College (31) Mumbai
112 Babina Diagnostic Centre (112) Imphal
48 Regional Institute Of Medical Sciences (48) Imphal


NEIGRIHMS (122) Shillong



Civil Hospital (130) Aizawl

33 A.H. Regional Cancer Centre (33) Cuttack
34 MKCG Medical College (34) Behrampur
101 SCB Medical College (101) Cuttack
86 V.S.S. Medical College (86) Burla
104 Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (104) Pondicherry
74 Vinayaka Missions Medical College (74) Karaikal
40 Christian Medical College (40) Ludhiana
75 Government Medical College (75) Patiala
2 Mohan Dai Oswal  Cancer Treatment & Research Foundation (2) Ludhiana
73 Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (73) Amritsar
87 Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer Treatment & Research Institute (87) Bikaner
60 Bhagwan Mahaveer  Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (60) Jaipur
82 Dr. S.N. Medical College (82) Jodhpur
120 Getwell Polyclinic & Diagnostic Centre (120) Guwahati
64 J.L.N. Medical College (64) Ajmer
102 RNT Medical College (102) Udaipur
68 Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital cum Medical Research Institute (68) Jaipur
23 SMS Medical College (23) Jaipur


Sir Thutob Namgyal Memorial Hospital (129)


Tamil Nadu
1009 Cancer Institute (WIA)(1009) Chennai
54 G. Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial Hospital (54) Coimbatore
205 PBCR - Christian Fellowship Community Health Centre (205) Ambilikai
1 PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (1) Coimbatore
91 Sai Subramanian Pathology Laboratory (91) Coimbatore
88 Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute (88) Chennai
24 Tirunelveli Medical College (24) Tirunelveli
27 B.R.D Medical College (27) Gorakhpur
25 G.S.V.M Medical College (25) Kanpur
106 Indian Railway Cancer Institute & Research Centre (106) Varanasi
107 Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (107) Aligarh
55 King George's Medical  College (55) Lucknow
108 LLRM Medical College (108) Meerut


Himalayan Institute Of Medical Sciences (66)


West Bengal
69 B.S. Medical College (69) Bankura
115 Burdwan Medical College (115) Burdwan
105 Cancer Centre Welfare Home & Research Institute (105) Kolkata
65 Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (65) Kolkata
12 NRS Medical  College (12) Kolkata
133 Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences (133) Kolkata
Other Registered Centres
These centres have registered in the project, Their contribution of information on cancer cases is awaited
62 Academy Of Medical Sciences (62) Kannur
116 AMINS Laboratory (116) Vadodara
58 Bangalore Institute of Oncology (58) Bangalore
85 Coimbatore Medical College Hospital (85) Coimbatore
71 Dayanand Medical College (71) Ludhiana
125 Directorate of Health Services (125) Portblair
119 Dr. Junnarkar's Laboratory (119) Vadodara
113 Fortis Heart Institute & Multispeciality Medical Centre (113) Chandigarh
121 Gauhati Medical College (121) Gauhati
30 Government Medical College & Hospital (30) Aurangabad
35 Government Medical College (35) Surat
1005 HBCR -Chandigarh (1005) Chandigarh
46 Indraprastha Apollo Hospital (46) New Delhi
17 J.S.S. Medical College & Hospital (17) Mysore
124 K.G.M.C Lucknow (124) Ghaziabad
45 Kamineni Hospitals (45) Hyderabad
72 Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences (72) Nalgonda
47 Kempegowda Institute Of Medical Sciences (47) Bangalore
90 Lakshmiram Biopsy Centre (90) Coimbatore
81 M.S. Ramaiah Medical College (81) Bangalore
56 Madras Medical College (56) Chennai
7 Medical College, Kolkata (7) Kolkata
109 MLN Medical College (109) Allahabad
118 Nigams Path Laboratory (118) Ujjain
127 Niloufer Hospital For Women & Children (127) Hyderabad
22 Nizam's Institute Of Medical Sciences (22) Hyderabad
19 North  Bengal Medical College (19) Darjelling
97 Osmania Medical College (97) Hyderabad
1001 PBCR - Bangalore (1001) Bangalore
70 Sarojini Naidu Medical College (70) Agra
11 Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital (11) Mumbai
41 Shankara Cancer Therapy &  Research Centre (41) Mathura
84 Sher-I-Kashmir Institute Of Medical Sciences (84) Srinagar
21 Shirdi Sai Baba Cancer Hospital (21) Manipal
6   Siddartha Medical  College (6) Vijayawada
128 Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya (128) Guwahati
44 Swami Ramanand Teertha Rural Medical College (44) Beed
61 Tata Main Hospital (61) Jamshedpur
36 Thanjavur Medical College (36) Thanjavur
14 Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (14) Bellary
Site maintained and updated by NCRP Staff, Coordinating Unit Bangalore © Copyright  National Cancer Registry Programme 2010. All rights reserved.
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